The Reily Foundation Inc

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Who we are

The Reily Foundation Incorporated is a South Australian not-for-profit organisation that provides practical support, education and advocacy for parents whose children have been removed by the State’s child protection department. 

We recognise that where possible children should have the right to be raised in a safe and supportive environment, preferably by their biological parent/s.

We acknowledge that in all the work we do the safety and well-being of children is paramount.

We acknowledge that the most vulnerable people in our community are those who are subject to the gaze of child protection services.

We work with parents to help them understand what it is that they need to change in order to parent more effectively.

We give parents a voice when they are not being heard. We provide a voice for children so that they can have the best connection possible with their biological parents when they are in the care of the government.

Our work is guided and informed by our beliefs and commitment to connection, communication, collaboration and building parenting capacity. We respect people, value diversity and are committed to equality. 

Our logo represents family. The circle is the village that surrounds a family and the hearts represent both parent and child always connected and belonging regardless of whether they are living together.

Why the name ‘Reily’ for the Foundation? The name Reily was chosen as it is a unisex name. ‘Reily’ represents all children in care and their need for a village to show up for them and put them first. 



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