
Who we are

After her own post-partum in 2021 left her drowning in unrealistic societal expectations and hectic ‘shoulds’ of social media, Claire serendipitously discovered the power of self-care that flipped the switch on being Mum. After a year figuring out how to bring the magic back and piece herself together again, she regained deep self-worth through the ‘art of spacious self-care’. 

Now she fills her teapot & finds joy in every day life while running two businesses alongside showing up as a happier parent - even through the current toddler-tantrums!

Claire is now wildly passionate about helping other Mamas learn strategies and tools for taking time for themselves with ease and joy. Through the Mamahood My Way Method, Claire’s hope is for every Mama to tap into their superpowers, create more time freedom, feel their best self, and live a more fulfilled life on the daily, weekly, monthly - ALL THE DAMN TIME! 

Why? Because we bloody well deserve it and it’s the only should we’re here for.


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