Health Style Concept
Vanessa, Thank you very much, the classes were great! When I arrived at the hospital, she was already fitted, and she went down very fast, everyone was impressed how my pelvis opened fast. Surely the classes helped a lot for that!! - Amanda
As a pregnant woman and a student midwife, Aquapregnancy class with Vanessa is great for any mother to be! I recommended to many women as Vanessa accommodates to how your feeling and has a naturing way of teaching. For me it is a just change to move, stretch and connect to my body and baby while feeling as light as a feather. You’ll feel fresher in body mind and spirit - Mary
It can be difficult to control my fasting blood glucose levels with gestational diabetes, however, I’ve noticed that Aquapregnancy class really rely to bring down my levels, more than going to a walk! Plus there’s the added bonus of soothing the aches and pains from my growing pump. I would highly recommended the classes to all expecting mums, particularly those with GD- Vanessa